Song Confessional Song Submission
Thanks for submitting your song to Song Confessional!

You can hear the confession by listening to the latest Song Confessional episode "Confession Call #3"

Song submissions are due by 5/12/24.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your artist/band name? *
What are your artist/band name social media handles?
Submit your song as a .wav file using a Google Drive, Dropbox  or WeTransfer link after listening to the "Confession Call #3' Episode of the Song Confessional Podcast. Include your song title as well as artist name in the file name.  *
Submit your Band/Artist photo here using a Google Drive, Dropbox  or WeTransfer link
Submit your song lyrics and song name here
Anything else you want us to know?
It's lame (we know) but we have to include some legal stuff...
By submitting this master recording together with the underlying composition (collectively the “Materials”), you hereby grant Good Taste Society, LLC and their respective successors, assignees and licensees (collectively the “Licensee”) the irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive right and license to reproduce, adapt, distribute, transmit, broadcast, and/or otherwise exploit the Materials on the podcast  (together with so-called ancillary uses) known as “Song Confessional”. In addition to the rights granted above, you grant to Licensee the non-exclusive right and license to use your professional name, image, likeness, and biographical information in connection with the exploitation of the Materials. You represent and warrant that: (i) the Materials will violate any law or infringe upon or violate the rights of any third party; (ii) you have obtained the necessary approvals (at no additional cost to Licensee) of all third-parties (e.g., songwriters, labels, publishers, and producers); and (ii) Licensee will not be required to make any payments to any third parties for the rights granted by you hereunder.
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