You’ll find live music practically everywhere in Austin today, in celebration of the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians.
Your AMM host has heard endless testimonies over the years from several local music artists. If it wasn’t for the Health Alliance For Austin Musicians (HAAM), they wouldn’t have been able to see a doctor, or gotten surgery they needed, or any kind of medical care when sick, or even a standard check up. HAAM is lifesaver.
HAAM Day 2024 continues the annual tradition of its citywide celebration of our music community today with live music performances at locations throughout the city, all day, in addition to dining, drinks, shopping and more at local businesses donating a portion of their proceeds to HAAM. You can find a complete guide to HAAM Day at HAAM’s website, including a live music schedule.
And you can even celebrate with some of your favorite KUTX DJ’s at events around town: Susan Castle hosts a showcase at The ABGB on W. Oltorf, 5 p.m. – 9 p.m., featuring San Gabriel, Rochelle & The Sidewinders, and Noella Grey and The Imaginary Band; and your AMM host will be on site at Radio East on Montopolis Dr. for HAAM’s Latinpalooza, featuring Vallejo, Lesley Reynaga, Haydn Vitera & The Mariachi Rock Revolution, and UT’s Mariachi Paredes De Tejastitlán. The music starts at 5 p.m.