Cats and kittens, listen up! This quintet is near and dear to your Austin Music Minute maven’s heart, and one of the first bands I got to see after moving to the Live Music Capital some 14 years ago. Add this to your bucket list: Catching The Ugly Beats do their thing, live and in person, and feasting on all the groovy vibes. Their sound could be straight out of the mid- to late-’60s, the whole range of mod moods set to all the best back-beats, fuzztones, plenty of jangle, and that badass genuine Farfisa (Jeanine Attaway rocks the keys, baby), with guitarist/vocalist Joe Emery at the helm. This, my friends, is the real deal.
Don’t miss out on the fun when The Ugly Beats perform tomorrow night at Hotel Vegas, 1500 E. 6th St., sharing the bill with Birmingham, AL garage-psych hoodlums The Dirty Lungs, and local groovy freaks Teenage Cavegirl. Doors open at 9 p.m. Very recommended.
-Photo courtesy of the artist.