Behold the reckless, ruthless, effin’ LOUD, out-of-control beasts – or, in the words of your non-behaving Austin Music Minute maven, “my darlings” – the Hickoids, in all their booze-soaked rowdy glory. No one knew how the hell to describe the onslaught of “cowpunk, white thrash, glambilly, hard-corn, psychobilly, hick rock, acidbilly” insanity that side-swiped many an unsuspecting bystander when they first hit the local scene in 1985. You couldn’t pigeonhole these punks or put ’em in a corner and expect them to back down. They defied any description with unbridled glee.
The legendary lunacy lives in, most especially in heartfelt tribute to the late Davy Jones, guitarist for the Hickoids and numerous other bands, who succumbed to cancer in 2015. The AMM recommends getting a copy of The Out of Towners, the final Hickoids recording done with Jones featuring covers of songs by Texas artists, produced by Cris Burns (Rockland Eagles) at the Tape Shed in the fall of 2014. The band’s unpolished and unconventional style is captured perfectly, right down to Jones’ raw guitar work.
The Hickoids will soon head out of town for their Fiasco In Alaska tour, but first comes the hometown sendoff tonight at the Hole In the Wall, 2538 Guadalupe. They share the bill with Sabbath Crow and Loteria. Get there around 9 p.m. and show your support, hoodlum. Recommended.
-Photo courtesy of the artist.