No worries if you missed out on Plantation Band‘s Studio 1A debut last week, but do check it out before going any further. This is one to keep your ear out for.
It also wouldn’t do the listener any favors to label Plantation Band as simply a “country” outfit. “We’ve got a weird brand,” songwriter/guitarist Carlton Bostock told KUTX’s John Parsons, and a wonderfully weird brand at that. Based upon stories of Bostock’s family (the album cover art is a photo of Bostock’s grandmother and her twin sister from their 1920’s school yearbook), of friends, “and death,” Most Intellectual blurs the lines between country, rock and alt.-rock, bits of bluegrass and even zydeco; fiery ballads setting roots music ablaze.
Join Plantation Band for their album release show tonight at Cheer Up Charlie’s, 900 Red River, featuring sets by A. Sinclair and outlaw Americana hoodlums The Outskirts. Doors open at 9 p.m., and Plantation Band starts out the night at 10 p.m. Recommended.