Making lists. Checkin’ ’em twice. Gonna find out…if you can handle this much in a single night, but that’s how SXSW is, right? Here are some AMM South-By selections for your Wednesday shenanigans. Live and in yo’ FACE, freak:
- Join KUTX’s The Breaks hosts Confucious and Fresh for SXSBreaks at the Sheraton Backyard at 8 p.m., featuring Bianca B-Lo, Stasseny, Lil Ke, Skateland, Alesia Lani and more.
- An outstanding line up presented by Punk Black: Femme Fetale, an all-femme fronted showcase with Atlanta artist Lesibu Grand (pronounced le-SEE-boo, and not in the erroneous way your AMM host did – deepest apologies for that), Austin trio Pussy Gillette, LA-based band Cinnamon Babe, Austin band BONDBREAKR, ATX Afro-rockers We Don’t Ride Llamas, and Norwegian band Mirror Lake. The show starts at 7 p.m. at Latchkey on E. 6th.
- An official SXSW cumbia showcase at Hotel Vegas at 7 p.m., with Superfónicos, El Combo Oscuro, Money Chicha, brand new AMM fave Son Rompe Pera, J Guero and more.
- Wizard Rodeo and Spaceflight Records present People Are Beautiful at The White Horse on Comal, with Sunjammer, Jane Weaver, Garrett T. Capps, Carson McHone, A Giant Dog, and Daniel Romano’s Outfit.
- Dark pop band and longtime AMM fave Namesayers presents Grindhouse Island, a showcase with Namesayers, Sea Moya, Moving Panoramas, and Walker Lukens, starting at 6 p.m. at Spokesman Coffee, 440 E. St. Elmo Rd.
- The Windsor Park Spring Music Series at Knomad, 1213 Corona Dr., includes sets by Sabbath Crow, Suspirians and more.