This Week at the Cactus Cafe

Monday, October 2nd Open Mic Night @ 7:30pm [FREE]

Open Mic is back with Hostess Kacy Crowley!! Sign up is promptly at 7:30pm and performances are 8pm to 10pm.

Wednesday, October 4th Corb Lund @ 8:00pm [$15]

Whereas in the past, Lund and band brought fully formed songs to the producer and knocked out an album in a few days, they took a different approach this time. Over a two-week period this past April they holed up with Cobb in his studio and collaborated with him on each of the arrangements. Together they constructed the songs, broke them down, and often rebuilt them. “Dave has a very organic, and somewhat retro, way of working,” reveals Lund. “He’s into old school sounds, and less processing. It’s a real natural sort of sound, which I’m also very into. He’s very spontaneous and he wasn’t afraid to tear apart my arrangements and start over. It was good for us.”

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