When you name your band after booze you kind of know what you’re in for. In the case of Austin’s own Whiskey Shivers, it’s right on the money. Their brand of revved-up folk and Americana is less smooth, aged bourbon and a lot more white lightnin’ straight from the tap. With an always joyful live presence, the contagious smiles and wild fiddle and banjo lines of Whiskey Shivers tear down the wall between the band and its fans in the most foot-stomping way possible. The band recently released a self-titled album and then promptly went on tour. But, two of the boys, James Bookert (banjo) and Andrew VanVorhees (bass) were able to carve some time out of their busy schedules to play KUTX guest djs for an hour.
James & Andrew’s List:
Michael Jackson – Beat It
Nirvana – Tourettes
Built To Spill – Big Dipper
Exploding Hearts – Sleeping Aides and Razorblades
Mike And The Moonpies – Damn Straight
Weird Al – Now That’s What I Call Polka
Bruce Springsteen – Backstreets
The Replacements – Waitress In the Sky
Tommy James & the Shondelles – Dragging the Line
The Flatlanders – One Road More
Uncle Tupelo – New Madrid
Ween – Johnny On The Spot
The Carper Family – Boxcar Blues