Way Left of the Dial: So You Wanna Be A Weird Girl?

Maile Carballo / KUTX

Every Friday night during Way Left of the Dial, Rick McNulty hands over the keys to his kingdom to a student DJ from KVRX 91.7 for Way Left of the Dial. To hear a new student DJ every week spin None of the Hits, All of the Time, tune in to KUTX 98.9 from 10pm-11pm.

Hey y’all! My show So You Wanna Be A Weird Girl? Is a weekly celebration of the ladies of punk, rock, indie, underground, and alternative music. Each show follows a theme, whether it be focusing on a specific character or looking more deeply into a particular music scene. Whether or not you feel like a weird girl, my show is sure to have something you’ll like!DJ Rachie

Way Left of the Dial: So You Wanna Be A Weird Girl?

January 31st, 2025

track namealbumartist_band
I Don’t Want You AnywayLook Blue Go Purple CompilationLook Blue Go Purple
Walking the CowHi How Are YouDaniel Johnston
Trees and Flowers1982 4 Piece DemoStrawberry Switchblade
Farfisa SongWonder Now b/w Farfisa SongAngel Olsen
I Don’t Know YouMannequin PussyI Got Heaven
ForsythiaAmerican ThighsForsythia
Genius of LoveTom Tom ClubTom Tom Club
Dracula From HoustonWeird RevolutionButthole Surfers
Rebel GirlThe SinglesBikini Kill
Dig Me OutDig Me OutSleater-Kinney
Pretend We’re DeadBricks Are HeavyL7
SeetherAmerican ThighsVeruca Salt

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