KUTX Live Tapings
So, I need to start by saying what an honor it is to work in a place and with people so completely dedicated to great music and getting it in the ears of our listeners. I’m lucky to get to meet and work with so many musicians that I’ve grown up listening to, as well as new artists that we get to see become huge stars a short while later. I’ve lived, recorded and played music in Austin for over 20 years and still cannot believe there are so many great local bands.
While I know it’s definitely for the best to pause the Studio 1A “Magic Factory” (as Sensei Hargrove calls it), I can’t wait to get back in there to deliver what our staff, members and listeners have come to expect. I’ve worked with so many artists in my time at KUTX, and while it’s often pretty hard work, invariably, it pays off in a great experience. By request, here are some of the most memorable sessions I’ve been involved in (that I can remember).
The Jayhawks
My cousin plays in this band, and I’ve known them for years, so I couldn’t be more excited to finally get to record them. Jorge (our video wizard) found this great tree backstage at the old, Old Settlers Festival grounds; the trouble was, it was quite close to the big main stage, so they couldn’t really hear themselves over the sound from the festival. I think they pulled it off. A really good song by a really good band.
I’ve dug this band for a while and to get to meet ’em and work with them was a pleasure. I mixed the room on this session, and I couldn’t believe how quietly they play. They smell really nice.
Tomar & the FCs
They showed up at our ACL Fest backstage tent at the very end of a very hot day to tape this. Watching this still gives me goose bumps — every darn time.
Being Dead
When we shoot these videos outside of Studio 1A, in this case at Jorge’s house, we usually don’t have drum sets or super loud amps. Being Dead is not the usual case — pure rock ‘n’ roll madness. So much fun!
Deidre Gott, our tenacious live music producer/booker, got a bunch of the bands that were supposed to play at the cancelled last-minute Levitation 2016 into 1A. I had become a fan of Dungen from a CD I checked out on a whim from the Austin Library back around 2005ish and never had the chance to see them live. Now, I got to mix them. The funny part was they weren’t really aware of the format of the studio session — so they just walked in and started playing — instead of waiting until we were actually on the air and rolling, which is why the video and audio kind of start mid-song. An unbelievable musical experience.
I’m a big fan of this band’s records. Both times I’ve worked with them they wanted to experiment. In Studio 1A, they wanted to play to super quiet without using the stage monitors, so they could hear each other in the room without any help. At ACL Fest ’18, they just picked up random instruments. The guitarist played the guitar we were having artists sign to give away. Still sounded great!
The Well
We don’t get much heavy rock in Studio 1A. I sure do like it when we do.
Johnny Marr
There aren’t many guitar sounds more distinctive than Mr. Marr’s. The setup on this session was particularly complicated. But, as soon as he started playing the intro part during sound check I was transported back to junior high school and feeling like I did when I heard my first Smiths record. Magic.
Adia Victoria
I’ve had the chance to work with Ms. Victoria a few times, and it’s always memorable. She’s got a vibe, for sure. This performance of this song really sticks with me. Goosebumps — that’s how I know it’s working.