Tommy Howard Trio. Gil del Bosque. Atlas Maior. Ben Balmer. Even if you’ve never stepped foot into a jazz-friendly venue, you’ve probably seen some of those names on marquees around town. Not all that surprising, but what’s interesting about these acts (and many more) is the unifying factor: drummer extraordinaire Aaron Parks. With invaluable contributions across the Live Music Capital, Parks has become a household name for any jazz act in Austin and a must-have teacher for any up-and-coming drummer in need of lessons. The passion that Parks exudes isn’t limited to his work as a sideman, since you can’t overlook his percussion-sprinkled psychedelic namesake, The Parks Project.
However, Parks’ philosophy of being your best self and not extending your individuality further than necessary has come to fruition with the eponymous retitling of this group, now referred to simply under the frontman’s name. The new handle comes alongside the follow up to 2018’s Space Jazz, and culminates in the release of the outfit’s sophomore album Parks & Wreck. Catch the release show Sunday evening at King Electric Recording
and get to know Aaron with Chopin-esque title that’s all original, “Mysterious Forest”!
-Jack Anderson