You wouldn’t think that a chorus hook of, “Whoaaaaa, ya-ya-ya-ya hey!” would amount to anything on an emotional level, but you’d be wrong. When the Naked Giants hit the chorus on “Ya Ya,” you’ll feel the release of endorphins into your bloodstream.
Led by singer and guitarist Grant Mullen, Naked Giants are a red-hot power trio from Seattle that rock as hard as that certain other power trio from their neck of the woods. “Ya Ya” closes out the band’s 2016 EP R.I.P., and it’s a new spin on an old blend of psychedelic garage rock ‘n’ roll performed with wild abandon. It’s also the stuff of Lester Bang’s dreams: chunking power chords, holler-along choruses, and some psychotic guitar. And really, there is no language barrier between “Whoaaaaa, ya-ya-ya-ya hey!” and “Gabba gabba hey!”
–Rick McNulty // host, Left Of The Dial (Fridays, 7-11 p.m.), Uptown Saturday Night (Saturdays, 7- 11 p.m.)