The SXSW buzz word this week is miscommunication. On January 7th, the Austin Center for Events, or ACE, sent a press release stating that businesses wishing to submit an application for a special events permit had a deadline of 5 p.m. on February 5th “or when 120 applications are received, whichever occurs first.” The problem? Not everyone got the memo about that last part. To add to the confusion, some business owners are claiming that the current applications still state that they only need to be submitted 10 days before the proposed event. This put businesses like Hotel San Jose, Gibson Showroom, GSD&M, and other major players, at risk of having to cancel their events altogether. That is, until ACE eventually announced that all applications received prior to the deadline would be accepted for review, thanks to a few bunk applications that were discarded.
Film and television reboots seem to be all the rage recently, and now it looks like we might see a festival get the re-boot. In anticipation of its 50th anniversary, planning for Woodstock 2019 is in the works. And at the head of the team is original Woodstock coordinator Michael Lang, who believes that the current popularity of music festivals make it an ideal time to revive Woodstock. Planning is currently in its infancy, but if Woodstock 2019 is a success, Lang plans for the return to be permanent.
The 58th Grammy awards are Monday, and the list of nominees is peppered with some of Austin’s finest. From Patty Griffin to Peter Bay and the Austin Symphony Orchestra, and from Asleep at the Wheel to Craig Hella Johnson and the Conspiare choir, nominations have been picked-up from very different ends of the Austin music spectrum. Among the long list of performers at this year’s ceremony is former winner Gary Clark, Jr..