Jeff Klein, whose muscular and taut songs power Austin’s My Jerusalem, might seem an unlikely candidate for Boston’s Berklee School of Music. He’s not into fusion or jazz, or even stretching out. Yet before he moved to Austin and released his first album (2000’s You’ll Never Get To Heaven If You Break My Heart), that’s where he was. In a way it makes sense – though My Jerusalem’s sound is brooding post-punk, Klein’s song structure has always been dead on, and he’s surrounded himself over the years with smart, intuitive players that have helped make the band consistently one of Austin’s best. It’s been four long years since their last album, but A Little Death is finally here; dwelling, emotive with burning new songs, and a sound that remains hard to pin down. They’ve already received raves from publications as diverse at Mojo and Kerrang!, and the band is gearing up once again to take things on the road.
-Jeff McCord