Your Austin Music Minute has raved about this pair before. Deep in the heart of Creedmoor, TX, in a home studio populated by two-string basses, drums and synth, there’s a dynamic duo making music that isn’t dictated by the latest trends. Bassist/vocalist Monique Ortiz and drummer/percussionist Mike Howard are Alien Knife Fight, taking inspiration from marvelously dark wonders and tastes, and not at all concerning themselves with something as boring as finding a genre to classify their irresistibly dark and bass-rich music. Who needs classification? Ortiz and Howard too busy feeding the creative fires that keep them fervently weaving their stories.
It looks as though a West Coast tour is in the works, and, if all pans out favorably, AKF may be headed to the UK for some tour dates as well. Meanwhile, you can see them perform tomorrow night and each Wednesday night throughout April and May at their residency at The Carousel Lounge, 1110 E. 52nd St. They kick off the residency tomorrow with SuperEtte, who start the evening out at around 9:30 p.m. Check it all out. Recommended.
– Photo courtesy of the artist.