Your humble Austin Music Minute host speaks from the heart when raving about shows that seem as though they stepped directly out of an AMM dream. A perfect example of that will get in your face tomorrow night at Hotel Vegas, 1501 E. 6th St.
-This band is literally a “goulash of members” from Berkshire Hounds, Rotten Mangoes and Brown v. Board, but…your AMM host had originally read that as “ghoulish,” which is why it was instant love. That, and all the fuzzed-up rock fury and multiple badass hooks. AMM dreamboats Magic Rockers of Texas start the night out at 10:15 p.m.
-What’s that? More merciless shredding rock and amped-up guitar love? Say no more! They’re here to pump (hand-clap) YOU up. Blood Pumps commences the annihilation at 11 p.m.
-Guitar wails, shreds, and fuzzy explosions, all with killer vocals to push things even higher, is the recipe for WINNING. Otis the Destroyer destroys your face at 11:45 p.m.
-An AMM fave who’s absolutely killing it with their album Silent City – part dreamy-dreams from the darkest recesses, and part ear-splitting rock set to mutilate. Think No Think won’t give you time to think when they unleash the beast at 12:30 a.m.
You won’t know what hit you. Which is perfection. Recommended.
-Photo of Think No Think by Martin do Nascimento for KUTX.