David Dondero‘s work resume looks about a mile long. Maybe longer. Granted, there’s nothing unusual for a musician to juggle a couple of odd jobs, but Dondero has practically done them all. Day laborer, record store clerk, carpenter, cook – and then you get to the stuff where you know damn well there’s a story or two to be told. From slinging drinks in Alaska, to pumping gas in New Jersey, hitting the road as a trucker, and even a stint drumming for Pensacola, FL punk-folk hoodlums This Bike is a Pipe Bomb, you’d swear you could hear Cash‘s voice echoing, “I’ve been everywhere, man…” in the background. Still, despite the detailed employment roster, nothing diminishes the importance of music in Dondero’s life. He is, above all else, a songwriter with 18 years’ worth of touring and recording to his credit. His most recent release, Inside the Cat’s Eye, was recorded in Austin in 2015 and features several local musicians on it, including the late John Winsor on bass.
David Dondero headlines a show tonight at the Cactus Cafe, 24th St. and Guadalupe in the Texas Union. The bill includes a rare solo set by Lomelda‘s Hannah Read. Doors open at 8 p.m., and the music starts at 8:30 p.m. Recommended.
-Photography from artwork for Inside the Cat’s Eye by David Dondero.