Your humble Austin Music Minute maven first had the opportunity to see Sara Houser perform with the band formerly-from-San Marcos/formerly-known-as The Couch. Not enough accolades are given to women who rock, so it was great enthusiasm that the AMM sang praises of the talented songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and vocalist.
Changes were afoot, though, and all for the better. Houser amicably parted ways with The Couch to pursue her solo work, and it wasn’t long before The Couch morphed into today’s line-up, Otis the Destroyer. Houser already had a collection of songs she’d written previously, but the creative streak was running high, and the songs kept coming. It was time for Houser to form her own band: Löwin. It’s solid rock ‘n’ roll with equal parts pop, and more of the excellent vocals she’s known for.
Löwin is part of the spectacular bill for tonight’s album release show for Casual Strangers, happening tonight at the Mohawk, 912 Red River. Chasca brings the glam and feather boas to start out the night. Doors open at 9 p.m. So recommended.