All right. All right. To the snark who felt it absolutely necessary to point this out, your Austin Music Minute maven relays a special message: Yes, I am well aware of the fact that …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead will play their 1999 release Madonna at their show tonight at Clearport, 516 E. 6th St., in its entirety. Yes, I full comprehend that I instead featured a track from their 2011 album Tao of the Dead on today’s AMM (“Summer Of All Dead Souls,” if one must be specific), which has nothing to do with Madonna whatsoever. Duly noted. Your attention to detail is greatly appreciated. So sayeth the music nerd who also does her fair share of nerdy nitpicking in various circumstances.
Trail of Dead serves it up righteously tonight at Clearport, alongside special guests American Sharks, Think No Think, and Billy King and The Bad Bad Bad. All Austin-based talent, all at top volume. The music starts at 8 p.m. The Mustachio Lightshow provides the evening’s stimulating visuals. And your AMM hostess with the mostess won’t back down.
This show is very recommended.
-Photo courtesy of the artist.