Great things are coming from Austin-based band Poly Action on their first-ever LP, Baby’s First Rock ‘n’ Roll, a bubbly collection of dynamic and addictive power pop goodness made even more irresistible by the band’s quirky humor. Nothing’s more refreshing than a band gleefully embracing its peculiarities. Besides, it’s funny, damn it.
Don’t miss out on the fun tonight. Poly Action has their LP release show at Hotel Vegas, 1500 E. 5th St., featuring a line-up of AMM faves you need to see from start to finish: TOMA, Löwin, and melodic mad (pop) man Nic Armstrong.
Buncha hoodlums. Doors open at 9 p.m. So recommended.
-Photo of the demented Poly Action crew by a very patient Katrina Barber.