Way Left of the Dial: This Must be the Place!

Maile Carballo / KUTX

Every Friday night during Way Left of the Dial, Rick McNulty hands over the keys to his kingdom to a student DJ from KVRX 91.7 for Way Left of the Dial. To hear a new student DJ every week spin None of the Hits, All of the Time, tune in to KUTX 98.9 from 10pm-11pm.

Every episode is a trip to a different city to explore their scene, city planning and public policy all relating to music. This episode of Way Left of the Dial is dedicated to KUTX and how important public radio is to the fabric of cities. — DJ Libel

Way Left of the Dial: This Must be the Place!

January 24th, 2025

track namealbumartist_band
Bilbo Eta EuriaBilbo Eta EuriaSei Sega
ProblemEELSBeing Dead
Long ThroatOne Stop ShopTwen
PourLove SuiteContour
HushNuclear DaisiesNuclear Daisies
It’s TimeIt’s TimeTruth Club
On The FloorAll PleasureThus Love
YOU ARE ENOUGHYOU ARE ENOUGH (Caroline Rose Remix)Ron Gallo, Caroline Rose
InsinuationDare to be SurprisedThe Folk Implosion
Something to LoseSomething to LoseBetter Person
Handsome ManTwin PlaguesWednesday
The End is OverDrag on GirardPurling Hiss
My Heart Still Belongs to AnotherRugged BraidsThe Magic Rockers of Texas

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