Photo: Gabriel C. Perez/KUTX
Austin is the music town that it is mostly because of one man: Willie Nelson. We wouldn’t be able to bring you the Austin music experience without Willie.
Join KUTX as we celebrate his birthday with Willie Weekend, now in its third year. We’ll kick the party off Saturday morning April 27th at 6 a.m. with a weekend filled with classic and rare Willie tunes. Also, be listening for your chance, hourly, to win tickets to Willie’s 4th of July Picnic at the Austin 360 Amphitheater.
Willie’s Birthday Weekend Schedule
Saturday, April 27
6 a.m. – 6 p.m. Wall-to-wall Willie songs, classics, deep album tracks, and hourly chances to win tickets to Willie’s 4th of July Picnic
6 p.m. My KUTX with Freddy Fletcher
7 p.m. – 10 pm. More wall-to-wall Willie with Rick McNulty
Sunday, April 28
7 a.m. – 6 p.m. Wall-to-wall Willie songs, classics, deep album tracks, and hourly chances to win tickets to Willie’s 4th of July Picnic
Big thanks to KUT/KUTX superfan and frequent contributor Ann Leifeste for planting the seed for Willie Weekend back in 2017.