Wednesday, August 23rd
Through A Glass, Darkly [Through A Glass, Darkly] – 9:00pm @ Sidewinder
“I thank you, the limit has finally been transgressed. The mirror has been shattered. But what do the splinters reflect?” A night of dark ambient, post rock sounds by some of Austin’s finest in the genre.
Thursday, August 24th
The Schisms – 9:00pm @ Barracuda
The Schisms is a 3-piece Gypsy/Post-Punk band from Austin, Texas, consisting of Carson Barker on vocals/guitar/synths, The Miss Genocide on bass, and Danny Piccuirro on drums and backing vocals. Most of our songs are about the living dead or sex. It’s dark, vaudevillian, voodoo, new-wave, sultry, and evil.
Caroline Says [50,000,000 Elvis Fans Can’t Be Wrong] – 9:00pm @ Cheer Up Charlie’s
On this re-release of her 2014 cassette, the Austin-based songwriter Caroline Sallee offers homespun solo recordings that draw on C86, bossa nova, and soothing folk music.
Friday, August 25th
Fairbanks and Lonesome Light [Nothing to Escape] – 8:00pm @ Sidewinder
At the heart of Fairbanks & the Lonesome Light are Erik Flores and Amelia Rose Logan, writing songs dressed in two-part harmony with the kind of spark that could light your day…or your cigarette. The band is a backyard duo who grew into a sweeping five-piece outfit with musical temperaments veering between Indie Rock and Classic Americana. Guitars, Mandolin, Drums, Bass and Pedal Steel create the space where their stories play out.
Nothing to Escape is a collection of personally revealing stories pulling back the curtain on everything from the struggles of addiction to the beauties of becoming a parent. Recorded with the help of producer Raymond Richards (Local Natives, Honey Honey, Avid Dancer) and performed by an outstanding band the new songs are sung with the kind of authenticity that demands repeat listens.
Alesia Lani [Resilient] – 9:00pm @ Mohawk
Every so often we can experience and artist who has an inherent star quality to them that makes them special, Midwest born, Austin raised soul singer Alesia Lani is one of those rare few. Combining a distinctive soulful voice with electric performances, the southern songbird has put many on alert that she is here to stay. The award winning vocalist is taking no time to rest as she brings a blue-collar work ethic to all aspects of her career, a quality that has shown proven results in her meteoric rise in the soul music scene. Alesia Lani is on a mission to bring soul music back, and there isn’t anything she’s willing to let get in her way.
Saturday, August 26th
A Giant Dog [Toy] – 7:00pm @ Hotel Vegas
The fourth full-length from A Giant Dog. Catch them in Studio 1A this Thursday at 7pm!
The Millbrooks Estates [Alvin] – 9:00pm @ Mohawk
The Millbrook Estates took flight from the cocoon known as Roaring Sun. In a town saturated with self-proclaimed psychedelia, this outfit strives to maintain the essential ingredients that truly produce such sounds – constantly pushing the musical boundaries of time and harmony, and engaging lyrically into searches within, to find answers for the confused world without. This group has no qualms with cozying up to passages of folk, jazz, proto, or any other type of mind/soul expanding music of any time period. The ever-changing nature of their songs leaves you blindly anticipating what could come next, and always surprised by what you find, creating a true psychedelic experience of sound.