photo by Gabriel Cristóver Pérez/KUTX
Voted ‘Best New Artist’ by Rolling Stone Brazil, Brazillian psych rock group Boogarins incorporates a steady mix of the lo-fi psych rock Austinites know and love (Holy Wave, Rotten Mangos) alongside the influences of Brazilian Tropicalia. Manual, ou guia livre de dissolução dos sonhos, (Manual, or free guide to the dissolution of dreams) is the group’s newest release and it’s nothing short of an an all-consuming experience – best listened to laying down with eyes closed.
Hailing from the central Brazilian city of Goiânia, Boogaris’ first performance outside of their native country was here in Austin during SXSW. As Austinites enter the final stages of recovery from April’s LEVITATION let-down, we embrace the group with open arms as Boogarins begin their month-long residency at Hotel Vegas. The band may be in the middle of their North American tour, but they’ve decided to stay in Austin for a few weeks while they record their third studio album in town at Space Rehearsal & Recording Studio. See them this Saturday July, 9th at the east side venue. For fans of: Allah Las, The Black Angels, Le Almeida, Holy Wave
KUTX had Boogarins in to play a special performance for KUTX After Hours in front of a live audience, check out the performance below.
–Roxanne Zech