Veteran Texas musician Bob Livingston defies genre expectations with Cowboys & Indians, turning against the tired Wild West norm of bickering regional groups to collaborate with musicians from India. Mixing themes, influences, rhythms, instrumentations and insights from both East and West, Livingston incorporates indigenous Indian instruments to create a uniquely “country ‘n eastern” sound.
Inspired by his experiences in India for a U.S. State Department cultural exchange tour, Livingston now partners with longtime songwriting friend Bobby Bridger to perform with Cowboys & Indians in theaters, clubs, schools, and other venues across the Texas. Drawing from Austin’s vibrant international musical community, Livingston and Bridger plan on presenting a full fledge musical based around Cowboys & Indians and cultural sharing sometime this year. You can catch Cowboys & Indians at Threadgill’s from 9 – 12 on Friday, September 26th.
– Jack Anderson