Eklektikos – Austin Classical Guitar

Austin Classical Guitar visited John this morning to talk about their upcoming concert as well as perform a few beautiful pieces. Their concert, nocturne [end], will be this Saturday, July 30th at 7 p.m. at the Blanton Auditorium. All tickets and information can be found by clicking here.

“Come heavy sleep, the image of true death, and close up these my weary weeping eyes, whose spring of tears doth stop my vital breath.” – John Dowland

James Joyce’s Finnigans Wake, alongside works by Walt Whitman, John Dowland, and Benjamin Britten, guide us on a final sojourn through sleep, repose, end. This sweet conclusion to our summer series features the return of Austin’s beloved tenor Christopher LeCluyse along with award-winning guitarist Joseph Palmer.

-Taken from ACG website

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