The Oysters 9.4.18

Photo By Julia Reihs

The self-proclaimed “shellfish bastards” of Austin’s the Oysters are well-loved around town, known for their fun, high-energy rock ‘n’ roll sets to their warm, friendly demeanors that radiate on-and-off stage. The collaborative progeny of Will Maxwell, Sean Taggersall, and Paul Pinon, each song possess its own identity and life force, sometimes shifting between the realms of ballad and power pop, and other times getting in your face form the first riff and staying there. The Oysters release their sophomore EP Space to a wildly excited devoted fanbase, with the strong potential to be a new favorite of this city at large and beyond.



Engineer: Cliff Hargrove
Producer: Deidre Gott
Host: Taylor Photographers
grpahers: Julia Reihs, Renee Dominguez, and Jenan Taha


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