Ages & Ages: “Divisionary (Do The Right Thing)”

Portland’s Ages & Ages describe themselves as more than a band. Their songs are often calls-to-action, with rousing choruses sung by the full eight-member outfit. It’s easy to hear frontman Tim Perry’s religious upbringing in these fervent songs, though the lyrics reflect more of a secular humanist outlook on life. It’s tailor-made for big sing-alongs; even President Obama (or, more likely, an astute staffer) included a song from Ages & Ages’ 2011 debut Alright You Restless on his 2012 campaign playlist.

On March 25, Ages & Ages will release their follow-up, Divisionary. The title track is subtitled with the simple phrase “do the right thing,” which becomes a sort of mantra for the band throughout the song. The orchestral flourishes carry the song forward, creating a folk ballad brimming with positivity.

Catch Ages & Ages at SXSW 2014:

Saturday, Mar 15: Karma Lounge, 12:00-12:40 a.m.

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