The imagery of rebirth and change in winter might be the only thing you remember from your Robert Frost lesson in English class, so let’s go back to school and compose a short essay on the significance of featuring this song during this season. Just kidding.
Austin’s Futon Blonde have spent the last decade making fun, indie-pop tunes with tight, catchy hooks, but now, a change is in the air. The quartet finds themselves taking a darker turn, leaning more into the post-punk, dark alternative space. And it’s working. But fear not, the hooks are still there. They might just be giving you a little pit shove instead of snuggling up against you.
Here’s a hint of what’s to come.
You can see Futon Blonde at a show Saturday, February 1st with Lonesome Ranch at Drinks Backyard in Southeast Austin.
- Do you want to submit a song for a Song of the Day feature? Email with the phrase “KUTX Song of the Day” included in the subject line.
- Support for Song of the Day comes from The Werd Company