Photo by Salvador Ochoa
Last year, Girl In A Coma took a year off. It was well-deserved rest for the San Antonio trio, who have been going pedal-to-the-metal since forming a decade ago. Their three albums–plus their stellar 2010 covers record–earned them critical acclaim, world tours, and a fan in Joan Jett, who signed the band to her Blackheart Records early in their career.
2014 turned out to be anything but restful. Frontwoman Nina Diaz launched her own solo career, and bassist Jenn Alva and drummer Phanie Diaz formed another group called FEA. The three are back together with a new record planned for next year. In the meantime, they’re back on the road with a show tonight at the Mohawk. Their signature sound–blurring the line between light and dark, joyful and morose–is on full display in “Adjust,” which the band played for us recently in Studio 1A. Download the song below.
–Art Levy