Photo by Gabriel Perez/KUTX
John Wesley Coleman III is an unlikely connecting dot between Austin’s various sounds. He’s a little bit country, a little bit soul, a little bit punk, and primarily rock and roll, doing his thing for close to three decades under a variety of guises. His thing now includes Microwave Dreams, something of a clearinghouse for all of his oddball charm. The title clues you into the low stakes, but the slacked-out songs only enhance Coleman’s DIY credo. “Hang Tight” sounds like a house party featuring Thin Lizzy as the live entertainment, knocking over the furniture with every windmilled power chord. Coleman makes this kind of meat-and-potatoes rock tasty again, and that’s exactly why he’s hanging tight after all these years.
“Hang Tight” appears on Microwave Dreams, out now. See Coleman try out his rock star moves in the song’s video.
–Art Levy // host, Sunday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., producer, My KUTX