If you’re a self-proclaimed local hip hop head, you’re probably already familiar with Adam Protextor. Formerly known as P-Tek, Protextor is an Austin-based vocalist, lyricist, producer, filmmaker and mastermind behind the recently-concluded Austin Mic Exchange and currently-defunct Weird City Hip Hop Festival. Along with his group Space Camp Death Squad, Protextor has been refining his sound over his years of collaboration and community-building.
Protextor’s most recent collaborative effort has been with Grammy-winning producer Matt Puckett (formerly of Mother Falcon, now fronting Brother Bear) – the result of which is the upcoming American Neon, a sonic far cry from Protextor’s signature hip hop sound. “Not Tonight!” features a bold melodic vocal performance from Protextor over funk, disco, and rock influenced instrumental riffs – complete with full horn section! Check out the single’s music video – filmed at Spiderhouse Ballroom.
– Jack Anderson (Host Monday – Wednesday 8-11pm)