STARS: “Ship to Shore”

Preceding their deeply emotional break-up song “One Day Left,” Montreal’s Stars gifted the world something fun, upbeat, and light-hearted before their six-month North American tour. Coupled together, the songs create a sort of 500 Days of Summer story, the waxing and waning of love. Though, “Ship to Shore” doesn’t have to be read as a love song. It’s bright and shimmery as all get out. From the steel drum-esque sample in the beginning that expands into a Miami Vice vibe to lyrics about bringing water guns to the park, this song immediately lands your brain on the summer train. Sonically reflecting the synth-centered instrumentation and sound Stars has adopted for their last couple of albums, (“Trap Door” immediately comes to mind) “Ship to Shore” also lives up to the fun, lively-but-controlled energy they’ve radiated from the beginning. You know, like extroverted cool kid energy.


“Ship to Shore” is a single, available now via Last Gang. Catch Stars Tuesday, June 26th at the Mohawk with AJ Lambert.

-Taylor Wallace// Host, Thursdays 8p-11p & Saturdays 2p-6p; Producer, Eklektikos with John Aielli

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