Photo by Mathew Parri Thomas
Brothers Brian and Michael D’Addario are The Lemon Twigs, fresh to the scene with an aesthetic to match. Their debut album, Do Hollywood, blends early rock influences that manage to stay fresh, due in part to the brothers’ ages (19 and 17, respectively). Nothing about a song like “I Wanna Prove To You” suggests it was written in any recent decade. It glides blissfully back and forth between an almost saccharine early Beach Boys sound (or maybe “Octopus’s Garden”) and a doo-wop crooner perfect for a Rydell High Prom. The bittersweet, timeless lyrics further drive home this song’s timeline ambiguity: boy wants girl, girl’s not having it, so what’s a fella to do? Prove that love and make her your gal!
“I Wanna Prove to You” appears on Do Hollywood, out now.
–Taylor Wallace // host, Saturday 2-6 p.m., producer, SoundCheck and Eklektikos