Wu-Tang-Clan-Inspired Retreat to Have Secret Location in Japan
A Brooklyn design studio is looking to marry the art of making music with the realization of Wu-Tang Clan’s Samurai aesthetic in a “secret location” in Japan. Spirit Studio has designed Wu Villa, a retreat designed for practicing martial arts while having a peaceful space for music composition complete with recording studio equipment. The villa is inspired by Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai and is modeled after a traditional Japanese straw roof house with the roof shaped like Wu-Tang’s iconic “W” logo. Though ground has not broken yet on Wu Villa, development on the retreat is well underway.
Third Man Pressing Plant Opens Over the Weekend
Jack White spent Friday night toasting the opening of the Third Man Records Pressing Plant in Detroit. The 10,000-square-foot plant is the first recording pressing plant in the U.S. with all-new equipment in 35 years. Friday was a private opening, with fans lined-up outside in tents to be among the first to see the inside of the plant during it’s official opening last Saturday. White emoted about his pride in opening the plant in his hometown, about three blocks away from his alma mater Cass Technical High School. Third Man Pressing contains a whopping eight presses, with the ability to crank out about 5,000 records an hour, with the capacity to operate 24/7 should demand warrant it.