Music News 4.11.16


Send Tweet, Get Tunes.

Text a pizza emoji, get a pizza; voice-command an Uber, a car shows up at your apartment. Now, tweet an artist name, get a playlist. Where channels like Pandora and Spotify Radio fail you, DJLazySet is here to play your party, your workout, your life. Soundcheck writer Taylor Wallace tried it and got her Thundercat playlist within 2 minutes. The problem: within the last couple of days, Twitter has mistaken the account for a Spam bot, and isn’t allowing it to reply to your tweet with a direct link to your new playlist. You can still get it, but you have to go to user Playlistbot’s Spotify page and find your playlist. You can find a direct link on our website.

Biggie Featured

Notorious B.I.G. 2.0

Coachella Fest 2012 nearly broke the Internet when festival goers were met with a surprise performance from Tupac Shakur…via hologram. Four years later, Notorious B.I.G. is being holographically brought back to life with the full support and endorsement from his mother, former wife, and other cornerstones of his estate. After exploring a number of bids from interested tech companies, ARHT Media was granted the honor, and they plan on taking as much time as it takes to get it right. Biggie’s former wife Faith Evans plans to have the hologram debuted in a music video featuring a duet by the two performers followed by a tour. Get ready– Biggie Smalls 2.0 is coming to a town near you.

RashadSCFeatured  DJ Rashad: Afterlife

And speaking of connecting the living with rappers beyond the grave, newly formed record label Teklife has released it’s first album: a posthumous collection of previously unreleased tracks by the late Rashad Harden AKA DJ Rashad, who passed away 2 years ago this month, as well as collaborations with other musicians and producers. The album, entitled DJ Rashad: Afterlife, was released today and a percentage of the sales will go to Rashad’s family.

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