Just a handful of selections for your festival adventures, & shows off the beaten path.

It’s a whirlwind of shows as festival week commences in the ATX, and as always, the AMM will recommend a selection of official SX showcases, as well as festival alternatives:
- Some familiar faces at several SX showcases tonight, including songwriter Jon Muq (featured on today’s AMM) and rap artist Kydd Jones performing at 800 Congress; and Grace Sorensen and KUTX Artist of the Month alum Skateland at Cuatro Gato.
- Fort Worth hip-hop artist Jackboy Marley performs at Vaquero Taquero tonight, and Valencia rock band Los Premios play at the 13th Floor on Red River.
- And, if you prefer to avoid the bustle of Downtown Austin, you can always count on a great Monday night show at Radio Coffee and Beer on Menchaca Rd. with Bluegrass Night, featuring The Bluegrass Outfit, starting at 7 p.m.