Ten years ago, a San Antonio-based trio, initially labeled as punk, made their debut with Both Before I’m Gone. Vocalist and guitarist Nina Diaz, drummer Phanie Diaz, and bassist Jenn Alva had no idea of the lasting impression they would make on fans and reviewers who knew early on this was not simply an underground band to write off. These young musicians with exceptional talent would soon capture the attention of Joan Jett and Grammy Award-winning producer Greg Collins. Girl In A Coma was already blowing minds from the start.
These days, las hermanas Diaz and Alva barely have time to slow down between performances and various other projects, including Nina’s phenomenal solo work. However, Girl In A Coma is in Austin for a show tonight at 3Ten at ACL Live, 310 W. 2nd St., to perform Both Before I’m Gone in its entirety in honor of it’s 10-year anniversary. Doors open at 8 p.m., and the music starts at 9 p.m. with Young Tongue. So recommended.
-Photography by Josh Huskin.