The journey continues. Following a busy South-By, which included the spectacular opportunity to perform at Luck Reunion, Altamesa‘s Evan Charles has busily made the rounds getting another new single out, one of six consecutive sneak peaks at the band’s forthcoming full-length Idol Frontier, which is out this fall. But pay close attention. There’s more to soak in as you collect these tracks leading up to the big release.
Interwoven with their CD’s strikingly haunted artwork (by none other than bandmate Sean Faires), and the dusty trail soul-searching songs, there are what could be the cerebral wanderings of Charles in poetic form; “I am an anachronism/The last of a dying breed of rambler,/a rake, a troubadour descended/in spirit more mescalero/ than my (“transatlantic” is crossed out) spanish blood should/hold…” graces the back of Vol. I – The New West/The Drifter Speaks. While Vol. IV – Crooked Path/The Wandering reveals the drifter’s voice continuing his wry observations: “There’s nothin’ like the sunlight when you been laid up,/I’d had too much for too long,/burned out on the side of the road/and lost in the dream…”
What lies around the corner as the world-weary traveler moves on? Keep following the story, and see Altamesa at their single release show tonight at Hotel Vegas, 1500 E. 6th St. Holy hell, what a family-time line-up, featuring The JD Clark Band and The Tender Things (well done to you, Jesse Ebaugh). Doors at 9 p.m. Don’t miss a single bit. Recommended.
-And that’s how you hold a beer. Photography by Connor Beitel.