You’ve likely heard the expression before, or some variation thereof: Be in the moment. It’s all about existing in the present time, here and now. Words to live by for Aaron Behrens and Midnight Stroll collaborator Jonas Wilson – especially relevant as the duo worked on their full-length debut, Heartbreak Bugaloo. They were writing songs for the album during the time Behrens’ father was frequently in and out of the hospital due to illness. Stress and uncertainty ruled those dark days, but Behrens channeled that emotional energy into each track, while multi-instrumentalist extraordinaire Wilson worked his magic. .
The Midnight Stroll celebrates the release of Heartbreak Bugaloo with a show tonight at Hole In the Wall, 2538 Guadalupe, sharing the bill with cosmic rockers Casual Strangers. Doors at 9 p.m. Recommended.
-Photo courtesy of the artist.