This one’s a no-brainer. A Ted Leo + The Pharmacists show with a killer local line-up. Hell yes.
AMM Jan. 23 2025
Ted Leo’s show tonight at The Ballroom features Gentlemen Rogues and Prehuman on the bill.
It truly is a love fest at KUTX during Love Austin Music Month. KUTX supports Austin artists year round, but during this special time we amplify that love times ten (billion-gajillion, which is a lot). We encourage the community to make time to buy the music, all the band merch, and see as many live shows as possible – with several shows happening on any given night in the ATX. Speaking of which, the AMM directs your attention to a show by a touring artist that features Austin bands on the bill.
Ted Leo + The Pharmacists are playing a show tonight at The Ballroom, celebrating the 20th anniversary of their album Shake the Sheets. And it’s all the more exciting with a line-up including two AMM faves: Power pop outfit Gentleman Rogues and alt.-grunge band Prehuman. See them both at Ted Leo’s show this evening on The Ballroom’s inside stage, 2906 Fruth St. Doors at 7 p.m.