The sun’s out. Time for a block party! The Carver Museum hosts a free, full-site Black History Month event for all.
You couldn’t have asked for a better day for Solar Saturday. Today’s Black History Month kick-off party hosted by the Carver Museum, 1165 Angelina St., will feature a variety of interactive activities for all ages, a vendors market and more, and Carver’s gallery will be open to visitors throughout the event.
It’s free and open to the public, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., and includes DJ sets by KUTX’s very own Marc Fort at the turntables (guaranteed all killer, no filler) a local poets showcase presented by the TORCH Literary community, and an African American Social Dance led by Imani Aanu and Sylvia Stinson of Re-Claim!, featuring freestyle dancing and a classic Soul Train line. The event culminates with a live performance by the Sketch Band, led by songwriter/drummer extraordinaire James Alexander Adkins. While today’s AMM-featured track “Overthinking” by Adkins is more mellow fare, today’s set by Sketch will undoubtedly include more high-octane performances that may leave you breathless.
Find today’s full schedule here.