For Tim Showalter, making his latest album was a move toward inner balance.
Strand of Oaks‘ eighth studio album, Miracle Focus, is the most personal recording yet for songwriter/vocalist Tim Showalter. The beautiful narrative takes listeners through a transformative, cathartic experience leading to the acceptance of oneself. “It documents the small steps I’ve taken towards balance and finding peace in my own life,” Showalter said in a KUTX interview. “I found a connection to a divine energy that brought so much peace into my heart but at the same time is very hard to eloquently describe. That’s why the record is so meaningful to me because the songs serve as my translator for that blissful place. My deepest hope is that whoever listens may use the record as manual in their own life to perhaps find some of that too.”
Read the interview, see Strand of Oaks’ recent Studio 1A performance, and catch the album release show tomorrow night, Friday June 21, at The Parish on Brushy St. Enjoy a round psych country blues when Ramsay Midwood opens the show. Doors at 7:30 p.m.