Who: Isaiah the Mosaic made their debut with the EP, Systems (2013), a hazy, flowing, hypnotic vibe immersing you in a space-psych dream. Excellent ambient atmosphere that’s quite beautifully captured at their live performances, complete with a light-and-projector show that further blows the mind. Of course it’s an Austin Music Minute fave.
What: The quartet has spent several months in Danny Reisch‘s studio working on new tracks, one of which, “L.I.O.N.” (featured on today’s AMM), was shared with fans earlier this month. In celebration of the new single, Isaiah the Mosaic is throwing a release party with some of their favorite bands.
When & where: Tonight at Cheer Up Charlie’s, 900 Red River, with Whiite Walls, Memphis band Space Face, Velo, CAPYAC and Sune. Doors at 9 p.m.
Why: One big ambient, electronic, psyched-up feast for the ears and the mind. Get there early to take it all in. Recommended.
– Photography by Alejandro Joan; courtesy of Raw Paw.