Who: His name is John Wesley Coleman. How do you do? And, since he has his guitar here, he may as well play for you, okay? Okay. But really, you’re going to enjoy this if you just relax, because life is so short, and this is music you need to hear. So there.
What: Simply expect the unexpected. A JWC gig can be a thing of surrealistic beauty – or, perhaps not so much surreal as it is an artist not taking himself too seriously. At the core there’s punk, garage, pop, rock and a bit of soul. Sometimes the lines blur between the place where one song ends and the next one begins. Other times, Coleman might burst out laughing at his own ridiculousness.You may have seen a few of his musings and observations on his blog, or interviews in Rubberneck Magazine. Once again, it’s time for a show. Don’t bother with formal wear, we’re all friends here.
When: Tonight’s the night.
Where: Speaking of family, the show takes place at Hotel Vegas, 1502 E. 6th St. JWC shares the bill with Jail Weddings, Ruby Fray and The Harms. Rawk.
Why: Whether he knows it or not, Coleman’s an undiscovered gem. Go see the show. Recommended.