Austin is known for people who march to the beat of a different drummer. But a group of musicians has taken that ethos to another level altogether. Our Austin Music Map project caught up with the Minor Mishap Marching Band.
The element of surprise or street performance or park performance, any kind of taking-it-out-of-the-normal-venue performance, does a lot to bring the community out, open them up, and maybe they’re interacting with each other a little bit more than they would normally.
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The Minor Mishap Marching Band will be performing at a more conventional venue, Threadgill’s South, on Sept. 7, and again, at the Beauty Ballroom on Sept. 15. Find out more at the Austin Music Map website, and while you’re there, tell us about your favorite hidden place to discover Austin music.
KUT’s Texas Music Matters is partnering with the national Localore initiative to create the Austin Music Map: a yearlong effort to go beyond the well-traveled streets of the Austin music scene in search of the hidden places where music is being made. We want your help discovering and documenting these places. To find out how to get involved, visit the Austin Music Map website or call our hotline with stories and tips: (512) 861-8266.
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