Annabelle Chairlegs 1.6.17

I’m pretty sure I haven’t taken any LSD today, but listening to Austin’s Annabelle Chairlegs makes me wonder. Vocalist and chief songwriter Lindsey Mackin has a knack for writing lyrics just surreal enough to keep you looking over your shoulder to make sure that wall behind you isn’t really breathing. Drummer Billy Wong, bassist Derek Vaughan Nunez Strahan and guitarist Matt Schweinberg don’t do anything to help my vertigo either. But these aren’t epic psych rock freakouts stretching into the outer galaxies of consciousness, these are quick spins around our own solar system crammed into a 3 minute package of delightfully spaced out surf rock.

So leave the drugs at home and make a plan to go see Annabelle Chairlegs at their remaining FREE WEEK show at Hotel Vegas Friday, January 13th! Take a listen to their recent session in Studio 1A in the player at the bottom of the post.


January 13th @ Hotel Vegas

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