Philadelphia-based band The War On Drugs might possibly be the joint fever dream of Sonic Youth and Bob Dylan; with their lyrical intensity and grand-scale guitar they’re proving themselves to be the newest torchbearer of rock. The band formed in 2003 after Adam Granduciel and Kurt Vile met at a party; the two jammed together for a few years before releasing their first efforts in 2005. The War On Drugs has been through many iterations, including the departure of Vile in 2008, before arriving at their current line-up. The crew’s latest release, A Deeper Understanding, forgoes the myth of off-the-cuff rock n’ roll in favor of a meticulously crafted, labor-heavy psychedelic-rock. It is impossible to ignore the sheer effort put into this record. Granduciel’s quiet vocals are often indistinguishable from the vintage analog synthesizers used throughout; giving the album a dreamy, gauzy feel. The War On Drugs stopped into Studio 1A to showcase some of their best tracks, check out the full session below!
– Georgina Cook
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