Austin Classical Guitar: Grohovac/Ibison 11.19.19

Founded in 1990, Austin Classical Guitar (ACG) is the leading nonprofit organization in the United States dedicated to the craft of classical guitar. Not only does the program focus extensively on education in classical guitar, but the organization also hosts about 100 diverse concerts annually, showcasing the world’s greatest guitarists along with local and regional talent. The group’s groundbreaking education and social service, world-class concert presentations, and commitment to equity and inclusion in its programs keeps supporters coming back while attracting new members daily, continuing the organization’s legacy as the premier classical guitar nonprofit in the country.

Two members of Austin Classical Guitar, Chad Ibison and Janet Grohovac, played some songs and chatted with KUTX host John Aielli about their craft and their role in Austin Classical Guitar. Check out the live performance below!

Written by Emily Gruner/KUTX

Host: John Aielli

Audio: Cliff Hargrove

Producer: Deidre Gott


Austin Classical Guitar: Grohovac/Ibison

Full Session w/ Interview

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