Diane Coffee introductions usually involve mentioning that he’s the live drummer of psychadelic pop band, Foxygen. Or sometimes that he’s the guy singing back-up vocals for Killer Mike and El-P on the Run the Jewel’s track “Crown.” However, Coffee’s latest record, Everybody’s a Good Dog, may rearrange his relationship to his previous work. It’s only a matter of time until you hear, “Oh you haven’t heard Foxygen? You know, Shaun Fleming was in that band” at your local boutique coffee/succulent nursery/taxidermy shop.
Nonetheless, Coffee’s sophomore release is a delicious rainbow of 60’s and 70’s musics, with plenty of contemporary flavor which ward off any considerations of staleness. Motown, dub reggae, 60’s pop, psychadelic rock, and glam rock, all orbit around the star that is Diane Coffee’s new record and his blossoming solo career. Check out the set he played for us at Studio 1A at the bottom of the page.
–Ryan Wen